With an upcoming solar eclipse in Gemini on the 10th of June, which combines with Mercury in retrograde until the 23rd, June promises to have a rather intense flavour, at least communication-wise. Backing up computers, checking security, and reading the fine print before signing any important documentation is recommended. Keep in mind the effects of an eclipse are long lasting, usually a few weeks and up to 3 months afterwards (and in some cases, depending on your own horoscope, even longer!).
Please be sure to read the horoscope for both your Sun sign and your Ascendant, if you know this. Of course, these are general readings and may not be applicable to everyone, as everyone's natal chart contains its own unique blueprint and potential.
The cards for each sign are from the Tarot of Gemstones and Crystals by Helmut G. Hofmann, published by AGMuller, Switzerland, 1996 (now long out of print).
Mars enters fellow fire sign Leo on 12 June, giving you a nice boost of energy to pursue creative crafts and hobbies with ambition and drive.
The upcoming eclipse on 10th of June, and retrograde of Mercury, affects your third house of communication, requiring you to be more discerning in how you express your ideas and points of view. Diplomacy and tact are called for, which may be challenging given the hot-headed, impulsive nature of Aries. Good planning is required for short trips, and patience with delayed plans or car troubles (a car service wouldn't go amiss this month!).
You'll be tempted to beautify your home environment to achieve a cosy nest, but will need to pursue a prudent allocation of financial resources.
Tarot card for Aries: 10 of Coins Completion and achievement of goals related to career, resources, investments and family; an important project or undertaking comes to a satisfactory, enriching conclusion.
Big financial decisions concerning real estate and finances come into focus this month, as the upcoming solar eclipse in Gemini falls in your second house of immoveable wealth (land and property). The eclipse also conjuncts Mercury in retrograde, requiring a very careful consideration of the fine print in contracts and any stipulations.
As Mars will also be entering your fourth house of "home" on 12th of June, take time and care with home renovations or extensions (this is a classic transit for accidents around the home area).
Good networking opportunities and short trips for entertainment or pleasure are favoured from the 3rd of June onwards.
Tarot card for Taurus: Justice
This is one of the Major Arcana cards, and carries considerable karmic energy and influence. You are called to make big decisions that have significant ramifications, and need an objective, rational frame of mind to do so. Justice also brings in signing of important legal documents, so the horoscope guidance above is especially pertinent.
Well my dear Gemini friends, get ready for an incoming tide of mercurial energy as we have a solar eclipse on June 10th in your very own sign. This is a north node solar eclipse, joining your ruler, Mercury which is retrograde until the 23rd of June, in Gemini. The focus here is on your self, your wellbeing, your personality and disposition. You may feel overwhelmed by a busy mind that never stops chattering, too much social media and interactions with others. Gemini is prone to nervousness and anxiety, and the antidote to this includes meditation, breath-work, restorative yoga or similar pursuits. All that aside, this eclipse does bring in considerable celestial energetic tides in your sign, so make the most of it: surf those waves all the way to a potent new beginning!
With lucky Jupiter in Pisces in your career/vocation house, opportunities are bound to take place, however do note Jupiter goes Retrograde from 21 June, which may stall or delay plans.
Tarot card for Gemini: 3 of Cups
A great card for celebrating victories, getting together and having fun, and overall happiness. This is definitely your month Gemini, so make the most of every opportunity!
Retreat, rest, sanctuary, respite. The eclipse on the 10th of June highlights the need to take a break, and focus on a spiritual practice. For some, this may be the sanctuary of home, for others the journey to a place of solitude, worship or prayer.
Mars, the planet of drive and conflict, has been in your sign, Cancer, since 23 April, with lots of busy-ness and a plethora of activity. It will move into Leo on 12 June, giving you a chance to take a break, or at least slow down a bit. Something, or an aspect of your life, is coming to an end and completion, paving the way for a spiritual renewal.
The transit of Jupiter in Pisces, especially once retrograde on 21 June, is supportive for higher study, philosophical, spiritual or religious education.
Tarot card for Cancer: 4 of Swords
This is literally the card of taking a break, resting, and healing - so a great reflection of your astrological horoscope for the month of June. Enjoy!
The eclipse on 10 June brings into focus your role in groups, friendships, and organisations. This can be somewhat tricky for you dear Leos, since your core essence and drive is to shine and be noticed regardless of the setting, yet in group work there is no "I", rather every bee works harmoniously for the beehive without regard for honours or accolades.
Leos have been under some pressure to change or deal with unprecedented and sudden changes in their life, courtesy of a long transit from Uranus in Taurus - this still has a few years to go! For June though, Mars entering your sign Leo on 12 June will propel you to strive and make your own mark and define who you are and your unique personality.
Venus moving into Cancer on the 3rd invites a trip or a visit to a place where you can connect with spirit, prayer and mediation.
Tarot card for Leo: 2 of Cups
This is an invite to reach out and connect with others in a loving, balanced exchange. One-on-one relationships will play an important role throughout June, this refers to both romantic and business partnerships alike.
The eclipse on 10 June shines the light on your career, profession, and public standing/reputation. Nothing worthwhile is easy, however with a trine to Saturn in Aquarius in the house of work, you can be sure the eclipse will bring about opportunities from perseverance, hard work, determination, maturity, and a sense of duty to the wider community you work for. Your ruler, Mercury, is in retrograde throughout most of the month, as well as being conjunct the eclipse, so a reconsideration of plans, delays, or postponement may be called for.
Fortunate connections will come through networking and meeting others in groups such as events, gatherings, and organisations, as well as one-on-one relationships - basically this is not the time to go at it alone!
Tarot card for Virgo: 5 of Swords
Not seeing others as they really are can be a source of disappointment and disillusionment, yet there is much to learn and benefit from such experiences. If others don't play fair to win, that is at the loss of their own integrity.
Higher education comes into focus throughout June. Your sense of identity is revitalised and energised through your work, study or connections at tertiary institutions, as the eclipse in Gemini in your 9th house of higher learning, makes a nice supportive trine with your Sun. With Mercury Retrograde in the mix, it is favourable for re-writing, re-editing, re-vision, re-checking re-searching work, especially that which is due to be published. Re-considering your place and purpose within big institutions is called for.
Your ruler, Venus, enters your house of career on the 3rd of June, so watch for beneficial opportunities related to your work.
Tarot card for Libra: 8 of Cups
There is no shame nor loss in seeking that which truly fulfils you. Renounce what no longer serves you so you can aim higher.
The eclipse on the 10th falls in your 8th house. This is the area of life connected with joint resources (usually from marriage), as well as deep transformation, death and legacies.
Your traditional ruler, Mars, has been giving you a boost of energy and will continue to do so until it moves into Leo on the 12th. With Jupiter in Pisces, and retrograding later in the month on the 21st, it is an opportune time to explore and indulge in hobbies and creative pursuits, what gives your life enjoyment. Those with an inclination towards occult studies will find the eclipse placement especially favourable for this work.
Tarot card for Scorpio: 3 of Swords
Acknowledging and processing a painful betrayal is the first step towards healing.
A big focus throughout June are relationships, especially romantic/marriage. The eclipse falls within your 7th house of partnerships, meaning the Sun, Moon, north node, as well as Mercury Retrograde are all having a rather loud noisy party over there. Communication with loved ones requires careful deliberation. This is also the house of open enemies, so if there are people that wish to challenge or antagonise you in your circle of acquaintances, their intent will surface to light in June (and personally, I consider that is much better than hidden enemies, since having things out in the open allows you to strategise and do something about it!). Your ruler, Jupiter, is in rulership in Pisces giving you some extra good vibes, lucky breaks and opportunities.
Tarot card for Sagittarius: The Star
Hang in there, dear Sagis! While Stars only shine in the dark, they offer much hope and potential to heal. Even more, they guide us to find our way home, as they did thousands of years ago for our ancestors. Dream deep, dream big.
Work and health matters come into focus. With your ruler, Saturn in retrograde motion until October, it might be good to slow down and just do nothing at all for a while - a difficult prospect for Capricorns, who would rather be busy achieving something in life. Mercifully, Venus opposing your Sun from the 3rd of June brings about what may be a much needed lazy pause, or at the very least a slow down, if only to concentrate your energies on what really matters. Let's remember here the story of the hare and the tortoise - oftentimes, slowly slowly achieves much more due to the time taken to consider all options and ramifications, and thus make the right choice forward.
The Full Moon on 25th of June receives a supportive energy from benefic Jupiter, whose retrograde motion aids in carefully choosing the right opportunities for growth and completion of projects.
Tarot card for Capricorn: 6 of Coins
Sharing of resources is called for, yet you mush be objective and discerning in all matters regarding finances and real estate.
Since Uranus entered Taurus in May 2018, sudden and unexpected events events have called upon you to question what you are doing and whether you are on the right course, often bringing about a struggle for you to break free of any limitations. During the month of June, the eclipse in Gemini on the 10th shifts the focus on your creative self-expression be that via hobbies or romantic pursuits, as a means of fulfilling a healthy ego, willpower and drive.
With Mars moving into Leo on the 12th of June, self-assertion in close relationships (romantic or business) can bring conflicts, unless you find a way to cooperate with significant others in ways that bring satisfaction to you both. Keep in mind that Saturn, the hard taskmaster and lord of karma, is now in your sign, Aquarius, and be gentle on yourself, especially as this transit gives a tendency towards melancholy, self-criticism and withdrawal from others.
Tarot card for Aquarius: 2 of Wands
Good planning requires a clear mind and sharp focus. Wands represents the fire element in tarot, giving rational Aquarius big picture vision, energy and optimism.
The eclipse on the 10th illuminates your home environment, and its associated sense of security and nurturing. What are your roots, and how well do you deeply nourish them? Saturn's transit through Aquarius, in retrograde motion throughout June (and beyond to October), requires you take the time to consider what no longer serves you, what has outlived its purpose, old ineffective ways of relating, and finishing up anything that needs completion. The challenge here is balancing the energy of the eclipse, which essentially highlights the role your home environment and associated nurturing plays in self-realisation, with the energy of Saturn's transit, which requires to let go of things from the past that are no longer of service to your growth in the future. The Full Moon on 25th of June brings completion to a project that highlights your role within a group or organisation.
Tarot card for Pisces: 8 of Swords
Limitations and restrictions are challenging, no doubt, yet serve to strengthen your resolve to overcome them. In doing so, you develop inner fortitude and bring about much needed transformation.